Medea Meet Madness
you are not your worst actions.
but you are your
worst enemy.
Let’s revisit Medea, shift our perspective. She is known as only a heartless monster, who murders her children, and gets away with it. She flees, but she is not without remorse or empathy or love. She was betrayed and abandoned, she took drastic measures. But she will be living with guilt and in pain the rest of her life. Punishing herself for it.
We begin at the end. She has committed the awful deed, she is utterly ruined, she is all alone, and she is stuck reliving the past over and over again. She is imprisoned in her worst memories.
Medea is a mighty catalyst who was beaten down, beat others, and now beats herself. She is trapped, forced to confront her actions every day. She is shattered, vulnerable and on display. She seeks solace and healing, but she is so powerfully broken that no end is in sight.
Medea Meet Madness
by Euripides
Auva Abedini
Kayla René
Raven’s Lament - The Haxan Cloak